The Moment: Sunset View, Twin Towers Before Their Fall

Sunset View: Twin Towers Before Their Fall
Williamsburg Brooklyn, Summer 2001
Photographed by T. Eric Monroe
The Source magazine contacted me to help them with a photo shoot. They wanted to do a fashion spread highlighting skateboard fashion. They needed help getting talented skaters and a skate location for the shoot.
I was hired as a coordinator for this shoot. At this time, I had stopped doing photography as a profession and had moved into the Action Sports world. I ran a successful amateur skateboard league, managed national marketing programs for clients. Photography was a part of my past.
The Photo Moment
Within the month I had secured professional skaters and a location — a vacant lot that skaters had turned into skate park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Back them it was just known at the DYI Skate Spot. People contributed materials like concrete and wood to make skate obstacles. The location was on western edge of Williamsburg, right on the water. The backdrop: New York City skyline. To the far left, the Twin Towers; to your right, the Empire State Building.
The hired skaters knew the clothes for the shoot were not street-style skate fashion, but they played along and gave 100% in all they were asked. The photographer did a great job trying to capture skateboard action shots.
Throughout the day I took a few pictures here and there to document the job. By the end of the day I began to the notice the soft majestic nature of the New York City skyline. As evening drew near, the warm tones in the sky reflected beautifully off the water.
A few months later, our favorite skate lot was gone. The city took over the land. Across the water, the New York City skyline forever changed, as well.
Words and photographs © T. Eric Monroe